Hi, I’m Franklin and I am a web professional. Here I am emerging from the blogging darkness. It’s been too long old friend. I am here in Buffalo this week for High Ed Web, a niche conference for Higher Education web people. This is my forth High Ed Web (in a row).
Conferences for my web team are primarily about educational value. We return with ideas, trends, frameworks, and features. It has often been said to take back that one thing, the one takeaway, from the conference that we want to implement. We try to bring back a list and isolate that one thing.
But overall conference life is a blur. 6 sessions a day plus keynotes and poster sessions and late nights make for a packed few days.
Our keynote speaker for 2013 was the Woz, Steve Wozniak co-founder of Apple. He was great and the attendees seemed to hang on his every word.
It’s Tuesday morning and I have to get to a session. Buffalo brought me back to this blog.